Beverly Pepper’s Triple Twist for Lungarotti Winery

triple twist

“Triple twist” is the monumental work created by the American artist Beverly Pepper for Lungarotti’s, a family who owns an historical winery in Torgiano. The artwork is a 7 meters Carrara marble monolith, high placed on one end of an elliptical earth relief where the work itself projects its shape. The earth relief on which the sculptural part is located…

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The amazing flower carpets of the Infiorate di Spello

infiorate di spello notte dei fiori

The Infiorate di Spello is a tradition which takes place every year in the small Umbrian town of Spello (Italy) on the occasion of the Corpus Domini feast, on the ninth Sunday after Easter. The Infiorate were, a long time ago, a simple proof of devotion. The faithfuls, on the occasion of Corpus Christi, used to decorate, with flowers and…

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Piero Taruffi Museum of vintage cars in Bagnoregio

museo piero taruffi città dei motori

Bagnoregio, in Viterbo’s Tuscia, offers a small jewel: the Piero Taruffi Museum, in memory of the famous Italian pilot of the first half of the XX century. Founded by the Association Piero Taruffi, the same year when Taruffi passed away, the Museum is inspired by the figure of the great pilot and engineer from Lazio. Taruffi won, in the first…

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The villages near Trasimeno lake: Paciano

paciano trasimemo antichi mestieri umbria

The journey in the surroundings of Trasimeno lake leads to Paciano, a small village on a human scale that houses the Renaissance Baldeschi palace that hosts a singular Museum called “TrasiMemo” (the memories of Trasimeno) to fight the risk to forget the ancient Know-how. TrasiMemo is a remarkable place that was born to preserve not ancient precious objects, but ancient…

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The villages near Trasimeno lake: Panicale


From the top of the amazing village of Panicale it’s possible to enjoy a wonderful view of Trasimeno Lake , the same landscape of Perugino’s paintings. The landscape element, in Perugino paintings, achieves the dignity of an essential element of the work, an element that contributes, with its presence, to express the mood of the artwork. The wonder of this…

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The Concordia Theater in Monte Castello Vibio: the Smallest Theater in the World

concordia theater teatro concordia monte castello vibio

Monte Castello Vibio, a small village that has preserved its medieval shape, holds within itself a place so special and unique: the Concordia theater, the smallest theater in the world. But is it really the smallest one? The challenge is open with the theater of Vetriano, near Lucca, which is registered to Guinness, but in this case it is not…

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San Pietro in Valle: The charm of a benedictine abbey in pristine nature of Valnerina

san pietro in valle esterno

The road that leads to the abbey of San Pietro in Valle runs along the Nera Valley is a monument by itself, flanked by green wooded mountains dotted with the ruins of medieval towers built many years ago to control the valley. On one of these mountains, the Monte Solenne, lies the amazing abbey of San Pietro in Valle, a…

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Vaselle d’Autore: the Museum of Contemporary Ceramic Art in Torgiano

vaselle d'autore museo arte ceramica contemporanea

The “Vaselle d’autore” idea was born in front of a glass of good wine, between Maestro Nino Caruso and the former mayor of Torgiano, in order to create a collection linked to the territory and its excellence. Torgiano territory is famous for its wines, the ancient tradition, the fine cellars and a Wine Museum. The initial idea of the Vaselle…

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The Pozzo della Cava in Orvieto: a trip through the Centuries

pozzo della cava

Three cave complexes can be visited in Orvieto, very different one from the other: the famous St. Patrick’s Well, the Mill of Santa Chiara and the Pozzo della Cava. The cliff of Orvieto hides an endless series of caves and tunnels (1204 are the explored ones) excavated along 28 centuries of history; that’s why the Pozzo della Cava is so…

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The Sant’Emiliano in Congiuntoli abbey

emiliano in congiuntoli abbey scheggiacustica suoni controvento

In an emerald sea, in the municipality of Scheggia-Pascelupo, at the junction (that’s why “Congiuntoli”) of the Sentino and Riofreddo rivers at the border between Umbria and Marche, stands the abbey of Sant’Emiliano in Congiuntoli. One of the oldest monasteries in Umbria, the abbey was founded at the end of the tenth century, like the coeval Santa Maria di Sitria…

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