Raphael ‘s signature on the banner of Corpus Domini in Gubbio


A very young Raphael, still in his father’s workshop, collaborated in the realization of the Gonfalone del Corpus Domini of Gubbio, commissioned by the Gubbio brotherhood to Giovanni Santi. This is what emerged from the last restoration to which the work was subjected, unfortunately significantly damaged, now exhibited in the splendid church of Santa Maria dei Laici (known as “dei…

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The Monastery of the Holy Cross of Fonte Avellana

monastery of the holy cross fonte avellana

The Monastery of the Holy Cross of Fonte Avellana, in the province of Pesaro and Urbino, is a very imposing structure, the result of a numerous series of extensions, on the slopes of Mount Catria.   The Monastery of Santa Croce di Fonte Avellana was founded around 980 by the first followers of Romualdo di Ravenna, like numerous other realities…

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