The Beverly Pepper Park in Todi

beverly pepper park amati arte contemporanea

Beverly Pepper Park was opened on September 14th, 2019 in Todi: the Parco della Rocca, located on the top of the acropolis, now houses several works by the famous American artist who, for fifty years unitl her death, chose Todi as his home.

Beverly Pepper donated to the city of Todi the twenty works from different artistic periods made of steel, iron, marble.

The works are scattered along the path called “serpentine” which, crossing the green of the park, climbs along the side of the Todi hill ideally joining the soft shape of the Renaissance Consolazione Temple with the soaring lines of San Fortunato Church.

With the same principle, as desired by the artist herself who followed the project throughout its development, horizontal and vertical sculptures alternate along the path until culminating with the imposing group of Todi Columns that dominate the upper part of the route.

The park, enriched by the works of the American artist, has been further enriched by benches designed by the artist herself called “Lunettes”. Beverly Pepper Park in Todi is the first park of the artist in the world.

“This is the homage of Beverly Pepper to the citizens and visitors of today and tomorrow – said prof. Becherer in his touching intervention – giving the city a new landscape and a sky of infinite possibilities. The world looks at Todi and at Beverly Pepper Park, now Todi has the responsibility to share it with the world”.

Benedetta Tintillini


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